Hi there! I'm Jochen Süßmuth and I'm a researcher / software developer / maker / part time consultant living in Erlangen/Bavaria/Germany. During days, I work for the three stripes,
where my team is implementing custom algorithms and software solutions that drive virtual and physical product innovation. We mostly work in the 3D field and focus on topics like
Digital Creation / product virtualization, 3D foot and body scanning and tailored product creation and also on design-to-manufacturing tools for new production technologies like
3D printing or knitting.
On weekends, I like spending time with my family, tinkering with electronics, gardening, and combining the later two. I'm also passionate about all kinds of bikes.
Whenever time allows, you can also find me in forests across Franconia (Strava).
Prior to working in the sporting goods industry, I spent some time as a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. From the same university, I've also obtained my diploma (in Computer Science) and doctoral degree (Dr.-Ing.) in 2005 and 2012, respectively.
During my time in academia, my research focused on 3D geometry processing, including 3D scanning, surface reconstruction from point clouds as well as non-rigid registration of real-time 3D scanner data. I also worked a bit on novel algorithms for medical visualization and medical image processing. An overview of my publications and patents can be found on the publications website. Since that page might be outdated by the time you're reading this, you might also want to check my profile at google scholar
If you are interested in working with me, please drop me an email (maLinkedIn.
il@jsuess muth.de) or contact me on